Archives - Galloway Beck Responds to Questions on City Council Members Employee Status
January 2002
Charlottesville City Council: Galloway Beck Responds to Questions on City Council Members Employee Status
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Mr. Loper:

You have asked how and whether the City's Workplace Violence Prevention Policy applies to members of the City Council.

The simple answer is that they do not. The City's Personnel Policies and Procedures provide policy and administrative for City employees. The City Manager approves the Policies and procedures that have been recommended to him by the Director of Human Resources. The HR Director is responsible for their administration.

While Council Members are listed for payroll purposes as part-time regular City employees, the majority of the policies were not developed with the intent that they would apply to Council.

The Workplace Violence Prevention Policy approved last October was not formally reviewed with Council. As such I cannot advise you as to what either the Council's individual or collective position would be to voluntary compliance at Council meetings.

Galloway Beck (Electronic Mail, January 10, 2002)
Human Resources Director
City of Charlottesville

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