Archives - Harry Tenney Comments on Gov. Mark Warner's Executive Order 1
January 2002
Letters to the Editor: Harry Tenney Comments on Gov. Mark Warner's Executive Order 1
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Probably a good move [to exclude sexual orientation among his list of protected classes in Executive Order 1], politically.

I think it was a bit premature for President Clinton to create a controversy re: gays in the military right out of the starting blocks. An executive order down the road would have made better sense, a la President Truman, desegregating the military.

I share your concern and it must come from the governor. I will write him and express my concern. We all should.

To deny the hate groups the opportunity to harass, harm and intimidate individuals because of their sexual orientation is a moral issue whose time has come!

Harry Tenney (electronic mail, January 16, 2002).

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