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George, My reaction to Mr. Hodous on statistics is this, more people are killed with handguns in Philadelphia on any given weekend, than all of the British Isles in a year! The United States, alone, has more gun related deaths than virtually the entire industrialized world! These statistics are irrefutable. There must be a cause and effect; we have poor laws controlling guns and most of the world have strict laws. Guns are designed to do essentially one thing .. to kill or maim. Any other rationalization about their use is folly and false! This past Christmas, I opened a gift from our daughter, it was wrapped in clear plastic, although,I have seen this notice many times, I am always amazed that there are these words printed on the bag :WARNING: THIS BAG IS NOT A TOY... To avoid suffocation, keep away from babies and children.... do not use in cribs, beds, carriages or playpens. This is a plastic bag we are talking about! There is no such warning that I am aware of on a gun (except on the plastic bag, in which, it might be packaged). Compare the deaths of children caused by plastic bags versus guns! A federal law forbids disposal of a refrigerator before the door is removed.Compare deaths of children trapped in illegally discarded refrigerators versus deaths from children playing with loaded guns. These statistics will amaze you! Yes, the gun proponents shout, "but it is our second amendment right!" Aside from the fact that the amendment speaks of "a Well Regulated Militia" the NRA and gun advocates conveniently leave out that part of the paragraph and use what suits them: ie "the right to bear arms, shall not be infringed." In the 1780s when the Bill of Rights was enacted, the average individual took a minute to properly load and fire a gun... an expert might get three rounds off. Today we have weapons that can fire hundreds of rounds in a minute... and you need not be well trained in their use, just aim, and pull the trigger. It is difficult for me to think that our forebears would have granted an exclusive right to the citizenry to own that kind of killing power; particularly, if they were to bear witness to the carnage! We have laws restricting the ownership of dangerous animals, poisonous snakes, even noisy roosters! Laws meant to prevent harm or annoyance. Laws that most responsible citizens obey without question. But we have politicians that are so endearing to the gun lobby and well rewarded for the support; they push for laws that permit guns on school property, in bars and recreation centers. Is this sheer madness? When I see rapes prevented, murder or robbery regularly stopped by individuals owning guns, I'll sign on. Of course, on the rare occasion, it does occur, the gun lobby and the NRA give it top billing.It doesn't happen very often, but they manage to make the most of the propaganda. Chiefs of police throughout the United States cite statistics that indicate your chances are over 200% higher of dying by gunshot if you own a gun! Statistics can be misleading, of course, but that is true of Mr. Hodous' statistics as well. With millions of guns out there, our society has one of the highest crime rates and homicides rate on earth.Guns have done little to reduce this violence, except to add to the problem. It isn't complicated,you casually aim and fire. A bullet can cover the distance a fist or club won't. It is to many, a great equalizer! I personally don't feel safe, knowing that there are ridiculously lax laws and such easy access to guns; that virtually anyone with the wherewithal can possess a gun. Screening is haphazard and irregular, at best. Many politicians are reluctant to fund an air tight system. As a result, the tragedy goes on without interuption. Keep a body count in the Charlottesville area alone.You'll be amazed how immune we have become to the almost daily toll of death and injury. We often hear the "bumper sticker" slogans of the NRA... e.g.: "if we outlaw guns, only outlaws will own guns" but as witnessed in Grundy, Virginia at Appalachian Valley Law School this past week, the murderer wasn't an outlaw, but one pull of the trigger quickly changed his status! Unfortunately, six individuals (three dead) couldn't care less about his "status". Harry Tenney (electronic mail, September 19, 2002).