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I. Ensure an Open and Responsive City Government 1. Increase the amount of interaction between City Council and the community during Council meetings, at work sessions, and at neighborhood gatherings. 2. Improve the flow of information among City Council, staff, and citizens so citizens have timely and complete information on projects and policies that affect them. II. Build Strong Relationships Between the Educational System and the Community 3. Ensure school system accountability to the community by increasing dialogue and participation. 4. Eliminate barriers to equal education and opportunities for all children and make eliminating the racial gap in academic achievement a top community priority. 5. Preserve the Jefferson School as an educational and community institution. III. Safeguard Quality of Life and Social Equity 6. Provide a safe environment in all neighborhoods by continuing to expand Community Policing. 7. Make Charlottesville a true Living Wage city by tying the living wage to the rate of inflation and cost of living and by challenging local businesses to pay all workers a living wage. IV. Address Affordable Housing Needs 8. Guarantee no net loss in current levels of public and subsidized housing. 9. Expand the supply of affordable housing in our community by integrating affordable housing units into market-rate housing developments throughout the entire region. V. Work to Ensure Health Care for All 10. Assert that health care is a right and work to ensure universal access to health care in Charlottesville. VI. Create and Implement a Vision for a Sustainable, Healthy Community 11. Make the Comprehensive Master Plan a reality; set benchmarks and completion dates. 12. Devise and adopt a transportation and land use system that will reduce reliance on cars and promote mixed-use, human-scale development. VII. Preserve, Protect, and Improve the Environment 13. Develop and implement an ecological action plan and integrate it into the Comprehensive Plan. 14. Protect, improve, expand, and connect parks, trails, and natural areas within City limits. VIII. Improve Economic Opportunities for All City Residents 15. Support increased educational investment in job training and workforce development. 16. Promote existing locally owned businesses and increase the supply of local capital creation for small businesses including social entrepreneurs, non-profits and non-commercial enterprises. IX. Optimize Cooperation between Charlottesville, Albemarle County, and UVA 17. Find ways to share more services with the County. 18. Insist that the UVA Board of Visitors and UVA officials work with
neighborhood associations to reduce the negative impacts of the University,
including demands on affordable housing, traffic congestion, neighborhood
maintenance and adjacent development.