Archives - Boykin Thanks Fenton for Suggestions for Jefferson School
January 2002
Letters to the Editor: Boykin Thanks Fenton for Suggestions for Jefferson School
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I want to thank Ms. Fenton for her comments and suggestions for the Jefferson School site and pre-school. Her suggestions are well received by many who want the same and I would be interested in exploring the task force options.

Responding to Ms. Fenton's statement regarding the [Charlottesville] school board decision to eliminating an elementary school: At the present time, we have had a board member bring the subject up, but the board has not decided to eliminate an elementary school. Somewhere down the road (with another board), it may be come an issue.

Thank you!

Olivia Boykin (electronic mail, January 30, 2002)

Editor's Note: Olivia Boykin is a current member of the Charlottesville School Board.

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