Archives - Virginia Valentine Coles Comments on Vinegar Hill Demolition
February 2002
Letters to the Editor: Virginia Valentine Coles Comments on Vinegar Hill Demolition
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Good day, George --

An apology [for the Vinegar Hill Demoliton] would be good for starters. Not a broad, sweeping (under the rug) 'we apologize' but a specific apology citing in detail the nature of the consequences of the demolition.

Next, a panel of residents adjacent to the daily reminder of their displacement, council members, local business people, and interested citizens to put forth a plan for economic development.

Then, if people are really sorry they could use some of their resources whether it be time, money, organizational or fund raising skills or any thing else they have to offer, to generate $$ to assist in economic development.

I'm in,

Virginia Valentine Coles (electronic mail, February 1, 2002)

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