Archives - Tyler Sewell Comments on Unions
February 2002
Letters to the Editor: Tyler Sewell Comments on Unions
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Unions give employees a false sense of comfort and control. They actually hurt employees by convincing them that ownership is a bad thing. The United States was founded on ownership (specifically that of property, but company ownership pertains here as well.)

Employees are not workers, a communist term that disgusts me. Employees must become owners. There is no employee or worker class. It is so very troubling that so many people view the act of being an employee as being a member of a class. We revolted against England for this very reason. It is why America is special.

Rather, employees should be viewed as a significant part of a larger team that builds profit for the shareholders. The key? Employees must be shareholders.

Solution? Invite able minded employees to become owners. Create a scenario whereby lower income people are given a way to become owners. Laugh at stock options, but they work.

Believe it or not .... excited, involved, motivated employees are the key to long term profitability. Ask Jack Welch? Then ... ask the dot com fools.

Team is everything.

Tyler Sewell (electronic mail, February 4, 2002)

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