Archives - Harry Tenney Responds to David Norris
February 2002
Letters to the Editor: Harry Tenney Responds to David Norris
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Lest Mr Norris make the wrong assumption, the information "whispered" to me was from a long time, intelligent Charlottesville citizen, well informed and an active participant in "Democrats for Change". The motives of this person are not part of a broad subterfuge or a conspiracy to defeat one candidate or another, but, I feel,an honest attempt to broaden the inquiry into all the candidates.

Fortunately, there are an unusual number of well qualified individuals vying for a position on city council for this election cycle.

The choice is not going to be easy.

Obviously, all cannot be victorious, so as much honest discourse as is possible, on all issues, should be encouraged ... so we have a reasonably good opportunity to pick the best, most qualified individual.

I think it is fair to inquire into the motives of any candidate, particularly,if they might live in another jurisdiction ... surely I wouldn't preclude any individual, solely because they were not born or raised in a particular area or where they sleep.

I think Hillary Clinton can represent the citizens of New York State just fine, regardless of where she "hung her hat" in the past. Was it improper for some to question the motives of Mrs.Clinton? I don't think so.

Senator Clinton, who, I might add, and in my opinion, answered her critics forcefully and forthrightly; the mere raising of the issue of her qualifications and motives allowed her to more than answer her critics to the satisfaction of the voters.

Her overwhelming victory surely proves my point.

Anyone who is familiar with my views on government, be it local, state or national, know that I hold dear the representatives that keeps the focus on the needs of all the citizenry, the common interest, not special interests .... to that end, I look forward to hearing more from our candidates who wish to be part of the governance of our fair city!

Harry Tenney (electronic mail, February 5, 2002)

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