Archives - Downing Smith Comments on Concealed Weapons
February 2002
Letters to the Editor: Downing Smith Comments on Concealed Weapons
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The fact that lots of people are walking around with concealed weapons scares the hell out of me.

First the only people who should be walking around with guns are trained law enforcement officers. They theoretically are screened to be emotionally stable, etc. Recently several Albemarle County police officers gunned down a mentally ill person armed with a pitchfork so even that doesn't always work out. I am worried that some body might take offense at something I have done and pull out their concealed weapon and blow my brains out especially if there is alcohol involved. If you arm people and then there is a confrontation, somebody is going to get shot. It just isn't a good idea.

The second thing that bothers me is that why do so many people feel that they need to carry a concealed weapon to be safe. I can understand why the Albemarle Supervisors feel like they need to carry guns. Has our society deteriorated to the point where we all need to pack guns like they did in the olde West. Marshall Dillon had it right where he made everybody check their guns. The only problem now is that if everybody else is packing heat maybe I need get a concealed weapons permit too.

In case people think I am some sort of anti-gun freak it isn't so. I own several guns and enjoy shooting them. I don't hunt anymore but would take it up again if time permitted. Guns belong on the range, in the field, and possibly in the home but not out walking around the streets.

Downing Smith (electronic mail, February 6, 2002)

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