Archives - Rich Collins Comments on Meadowcreek Parkway / Is Impressed with Ewert and Jaquith
February 2002
Letters to the Editor: Rich Collins Comments on Meadowcreek Parkway / Is Impressed with Ewert and Jaquith
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Hi George,

I think that the Forum led to the following line up [with regard to Meadowcreek Parkway]:

  • Two people who would support the road (pretty much as is) because of what they perceive are previous commitments (the 3 party agreement) that ought to be honored.
  • Two people who are pretty much opposed to the road altogether and on principle and policy grounds.
  • Two people who would likely vote for the road if their "contingencies" are met by the other parties (county, VDOT, landowners).

It is unlikely that the "contingencies" will be met because of intersecting or opposing concerns by those who would have to pay for them.

My view is that all the candidates did a fair job of articulating their positions.

I think that Bern Ewert and Waldo Jaquith probably gained the most in terms of Democrats who want civic leadship, broad representativeness, and a talented team.

Bern would provide that because of his experience with growth and development, and his management know-how. This could help the team of Meredith, Maurice and Kevin.

Waldo is a business and downtown oriented talent, and also he represents a demographic group (those under 30 who need an example and a voice for their values and needs. This group has a planning vision that extends at least50 years without invoking their grandchildren's welfare.

Rich Collins (Electronic mail, February 7, 2002)

Comments? Questions? Write me at