Archives - Helena Cobban Weighs in on Remaining Silent on Issues Over Which Council Has No Control
February 2002
Letters to the Editor: Helena Cobban Weighs in on Remaining Silent on Issues Over Which Council Has No Control
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I've been thinking about Lloyd Snook's highly 'prudent' advice re asking candidates for city councillor to adopt 'positions' on possibly controversial topics over which they, anyway, have no control. I was really sad when I
read it:

"Actually, my advice is really to avoid taking positions on matters that will never come before council when to do so risks angering folks whose good will we need on other issues that we CAN do something about. -- Lloyd
Snook (electronic mail, February 10, 2002)"

And I was even sadder when I saw youthful Mr. Jaquith being, as I saw it, actively misled by this advice.

How about if the legislation in question actually harms people's lives? Should we be happy with candidates' silence then?

A moment's thought reveals the degree to which our Commonwealth's antediluvian and mean-spirited anti-sodomy laws actually and actively harm the lives of those of our friends who happen to be gay -- an extent, that is, that those of us who happen to be straight can barely imagine. (Have folks forgotten the Ivy Creek 'sting' operation?) Yet, for the sake of prudence, or whatever, Lloyd is asking us to remain silent on these issues?? What's next, Lloyd? Gas chambers for disabled people, perhaps?

Standing up for what you think is right -- and SPEAKING OUT ABOUT IT -- is always really important.

(And if anyone wants a 'prudential' argument, how about the studies coming out of Carnegie Mellon to the effect that the single best co-indicator of urban hubs that have economically successful hi-tech industries is the degree of these communities' gay-friendliness?)

... On the other hand, we could all stay silent as the vocal parts of society urge us to go back to unthinking Biblical fundamentalism, keeping the anti-sodomy laws intact, and teaching creationism in our public schools.

Oh, that would be grand for the city's economic development. (Not.)

Waldo Jaquith -- and the rest of you candidates: Let your compassion for your fellow citizens show. Be 'daring'. Speak out now. Show the rest of Virginia -- including the many, many people out there in the rest of the state
who are equally opposed to anti-gay bigotry -- that our community supports Mitch Van Yahres's principled position.

Stay well, folks--

Helena Cobban (electronic mail, February 14, 2002)

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