Archives - Alexandria Searls Comments on State and Local Policy Questions
February 2002
Letters to the Editor: Alexandria Searls Comments on State and Local Policy Questions
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I agree that state policy questions are appropriate to ask, because our political outlooks on the state and national issues are indicative of our approaches on the local level. However, in some respects I feel as if the state policy questions are the easy ones to ask and answer.

As councilor I too would lobby against the death penalty, for gay and women's rights, and for alternative transportation funding. I have confidence that all the other five candidates would do the same.

It is more problematic to ask questions that reveal our differences, because all local questions run the risk of outlining where local decisions could be improved -- local decisions we have voted for and worked for.

Am I confident in the manner in which council works together? Do I think more could be done for the children in our schools, especially in terms of communication with parents? Are our historic and "contributing" buildings being adequately protected? As a political party are we doing everything we can for single parents, the economically disadvantaged, and those without automotive transportation to be part of our selection process?

Like Lloyd, I suggest a local focus, because discussion time is short and there are always improvements to be made in local policy.

Alexandria Searls (electronic mail, February 15, 2002)

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