Archives - Bern Ewert Comments on Job Creation and New Towns
February 2002
Letters to the Editor: Bern Ewert Comments on Job Creation and New Towns
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I learned today from the TJ Partnership, that Walmart will be building a distribution center at Zion Crossroads and that these jobs will start at $10 per hour. Additionally, there are several hundred more acres adjacent to the WM site for industrial development. A 1,000 unit housing development is also being proposed nearby.

This development offers several interesting, cooperative opportunities for city residents and the City of Charlottesville.

1. LIVING WAGE - these are $10 jobs plus fringe benefits.

2. JOB TRAINING NECESSARY - they will need to hire city residents and we could team up with them to train city residents for these jobs. A job training program is being started right now by the Public Housing Association of Residents (PHAR). This is a great partnering opportunity for all of us!

3. TRANSPORTATION - if people need transportation this is an opportunity for car pooling or some other means of mass transit. CTS could and should help.

4. NEW TOWN DEVELOPMENT - here is a chance to develop a sustainable new town. Let's work on this for everyone's benefit.

5. BETTER WAGES - here is a real opportunity for job creation that could help increase and improve wages in the city, through competition.

I see a direct opportunity to help our citizens through a regional project. I think the City should become an involved and helpful partner.

Bern Ewert (electronic mail, February 14, 2002)

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