Archives - Downing Smith Endorses Waldo Jaquith/ Disses Joan Fenton
February 2002
Letters to the Editor: Downing Smith Endorses Waldo Jaquith/ Disses Joan Fenton
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I would like to endorse Waldo Jaquith. When I first heard of Waldo's candidacy I figured he was totally off the wall and I would be wasting my vote if I voted for him. But now after listening to him at a forum and reading his statements, I think he would he would be a valuable addition to city council. He would represent the point of view of our younger citizens. He understands technology. He knows how to live in Charlottesville without a car. He is obviously very intelligent and honest. I think some of his ideas may be impractical but the theoretically "older & wiser" members of city council would bring practicality to an issue.

I actively am against Joan Fenton. I don't believe her and don't trust her to represent the best interests of city residents in dealing with the county. I think all of the other four candidates are worthy and we are lucky to have such a fine group to choose from.

Downing Smith (electronic mail, February 18, 2002)

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