Archives - Nancy O'Brien Endorses Alexandria Searls
February 2002
Letters to the Editor: Nancy O'Brien Endorses Alexandria Searls
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I am writing in support of Alexandria Searls for City Council and asking other Democracts to join me.

Alex is an intelligent, tireless worker for citizen involvement in government, committed to maintaining the special things that matter about Charlottesville as we address issues of underemployment, environmental threats, and financial constraints. Alex takes the extra time to meet with the experts on issues and to ferret out additional information about topics of importance such as the budget, how we educate our children, and what future we can create through creative use of what we have.

As an independent business woman, Alex knows first hand the problems of balancing a budget and diversifying revenues. As a civic activist, she understands the importance of our parks to our sense of well-being; upwardly mobile job opportunities for our citizens using training and education as tools, and the importance of our public buildings to the social and political history of the City.

Her dedication to the City and making it work for all citizens is impressive and she will serve us well on Council.

Nancy O'Brien (electronic mail, February 18, 2002)

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