Archives - John Conover Comments on the Democratic Campaign for Charlottesville City Council, on Political Rumors and on Political Endorsements
February 2002
Letters to the Editor: John Conover Comments on the Democratic Campaign for Charlottesville City Council, on Political Rumors and on Political Endorsements
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I find myself replying to an issue that has appeared on your web pages. I have enjoyed watching the campaign from afar. All the discussions that I have seen have been positive and supportive of good Democratic principles.

The new Rules of the Convention are a great improvement over manipulative ones of the 2000 convention. I had voiced my opposition to those old rules, and congratulate us on seeing the light.

My concern is the "dropping out and throwing support" rumor. Apparently the anonymous writer wants to remain hidden in the weeds. Therefore, I think this is a job for the party co-chairs to solve by asking the candidates involved. I think it only helps getting to the truth of the case that Lloyd has endorsed David Simmons.

When I return to Charlottesville during the general campaign I really want to come back to a strong and unified party.

John Conover (electronic mail, February 19, 2002)

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