Archives - Harry Tenney Says, 'Lloyd Snook Nails It'
February 2002
Letters to the Editor: Harry Tenney Says, 'Lloyd Snook Nails It'
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I think Lloyd Snook states his case clearly and fairly. We are fortunate to have six candidates willing to shoulder the burden of service on Charlottesville City Council ... surely, each of us who will participate in the nominating process will make a choice and, hopefully, a choice based on what we see in our candidate that distinguishes her or him as best qualified to serve.

It would be awfully disappointing, if anyone supporting a candidate, was influenced solely by an endorsement, rather than a careful scrutiny of that individual's record, background or agenda. Lloyd Snook nails it when he says better he announce his choice than keep it secret, eliminating any possible conflict.

Since the early 1960s, I have participated, as a Democrat, directly and indirectly in every council election, (as best I can recall, my first, involved Bill Hill and John Trevillian). I think this [2002] campaign for the nomination has been the most open and democratic. Just my opinion.

I sincerely feel controversy and questioning are healthy and necessary to our free election process. Questions, even rumors, are raised; questions and rumors are answered. Tell me what's wrong with that?

Harry Tenney (electronic mail, February 20, 2002)

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