Archives - STAMP Endorses Alexandria Searls and Waldo Jaquith
February 2002
Letters to the Editor: STAMP Endorses Alexandria Searls and Waldo Jaquith
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Just to add our voice to others who have endorsed them, Alexandria Searls and Waldo Jaquith are the candidates STAMP finds most attractive.

Alex and Waldo will need all of us to turn out on Saturday, February 23rd at the Charlottesville Peforming Arts Center by NO LATER THAN 10 am (the doors will be locked then).

I can't imagine that, after all the years we've been working on this particular matter, I *really* need to say this, but it may be worth pointing out to those who say the MCP is not an important issue, and that candidates should not be chosen on the basis of their views on this one matter that the MCP is a perfect litmus test for determining a candidate's view on sustainability, environmental protection, and alternative transportation. And it's not the Yes or No part that really interests me, but the WHY.

Alex and Waldo have spoken very eloquently and passionately on the topic and they would clearly make these issues a priority if elected" as John Potter put it. I would add to the list that the candidates' commitment to neighborhoods, quality of life, economic development *and* cooperation with the county are also clearly revealed by their stance on the parkway. Indeed, Joan Fenton cites carrying through on a deal with the county -- the three party agreement -- as a major reason to build the road.

I'll share an observation of mine about the candidates and leave you to your dinners: I was most impressed at the Mass meeting to nominate our new state senator which resulted in the election of Creigh Deeds, to see what an uphill battle a city politician has in gaining support outside the city. It became abundantly clear to me that a city councillor who aspires to higher office will have to assiduously court voters outside their jurisdiction, in Albemarle county in particular, and even then is likely to be rebuffed. Should this worry you? I think so and it is part of my appraisal of Alex and Waldo that they are a part of and appreciative of and understanding of the special role that the city has in our area and will be champions of the city's interests in the on-going struggles to sort out regional conflicts.

Councillors who have their eye on the state legislature may not always be able to reconcile the city's interests with those of their potential future consituents. Blake Caravati falls into this category and I believe this problem which I'm sure didn't escape his attention, explains his continuing difficulties in squarely renouncing the MCP. I know he understands what is bad about the parkway, but he also must be looking at it as a political problem for continuing his career.

Neither Waldo nor Alex plan to make a career in politics (they might get the bug, of course) and I feel far safer with councillors who are not planning their next moves for a wider arena. UVa has citizen-scholars, as it were, amateur students, in the best sense of amateur. I think the city should have amateur politicians. I know I'll catch some flak for the use of that word, but I hope people will try to get at what I mean. Surely the system we have with a "weak" council and strong city manager with a varied staff is intended to be led by average citizens who take turns at the helm. Of course it will be a proving ground for some who want to go on to bigger playing fields, and there's nothing wrong with that, good grief, look at Mitch Van Yahres! but it is something to keep in mind, another ingredient in the stew.

Enough already. Please come out and support our candidates or other ones too.

Mary E. MacNeil (electronic mail, February 20, 2002)

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