Archives - Patricia Smith Says, 'Can Lloyd Snook Do That?'
February 2002
Letters to the Editor: Patricia Smith Says, 'Can Lloyd Snook Do That?'
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I may not know everything about the local democratic process here (it seems to be different everywhere on a local level), but isn't it totally wrong for Lloyd Snook to give an endorsement?

I was under the impression that his position was the equivalent of being a referee for a sporting event. It seems to me that giving an endorsement publicly is the same thing as the ref wearing a team's hat to the ball game. It just seemed inappropriate and unethical in a political race.

Of course, if there's something I'm failing to understand about his role in the proceedings, I would appreciate clarification.

Thank you.

Patricia Smith (electronic mail, February 20, 2002)

Editor's Note: For an explanation of the way Lloyd Snook understands his position, see Lloyd Snook Comments About Political Endorsements/ Responds to Complaints. For convention procedures see, Final Draft of Call to Convention.

While the wisdom of a party co-chair making an endorsement in a locally contested race is arguable, I hardly see any ethical issues involved.

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