Archives - Appeal to Charlottesville Democrats to Seriously Consider Voting for Candidates Who Are Women
February 2002
Charlottesville City Council Race 2002: Appeal to Charlottesville Democrats to Seriously Consider Voting for Candidates Who Are Women
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Some of you may recall that earlier this month I asked whether there was "a glass ceiling for the number of women, blacks, Republicans or youth that can serve on the Charlottesville City Council at any one time?"

Below is a letter to City Democrats, signed by

Linda Bowen, Terri DiCintio, Mary Alice Gunter, Valarie Massie, Lisa Murphy, Debbie Pomerantz, Meredith Richards, Jenny Robinson, Carolyn Silver, Kay Slaughter, Sandy Snook, and Bitsy Waters

and authorized by Alexandria Searls and Joan Fenton.

This letter is not an endorsement, per se, but rather asks that individuals seriously listen to Alexandria Searls and Joan Fenton at the Convention, consider their qualifications and consider voting for one or both of them for the Democratic nomination for city council.

The letter argues that progressive Charlottesville Democrats can break the cycle of inequitable representation of women in city government!

Read the letter. Attend the Convention.

And please send your thoughts about inequitable representation of women in city government to where the most representative comments will be placed on my web site with full attribution.

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Dear City Democrats:

Charlottesville has a deserved reputation as a well-managed city that has enjoyed many years of progressive, Democratic leadership on City Council. Yet, there is one area of progress that has not yet been achieved, and this is the equitable representation of women in city government.

Since Democrats first elected Jill Rinehart in 1972, a total of eight women have served on city council. That's only eight women in thirty years of city governance! Charlottesville has never had an African-American woman on council.

In this year's council race, there are two exceptional women who have offered their service. If you are not already committed to other candidates, we urge you to consider these women as you prepare to cast your vote at the upcoming Democratic nominating convention on February 23.

Joan Fenton, owner of Quilts Unlimited and Aprils Corner, is a successful business woman who serves as chair of the city's Board of Architectural Review, and is co-founder and chair of the Downtown Business Association. She is also a music educator, and former PTO president, who is committed to quality schools and greater opportunity for all citizens.

Alexandria Searls emphasizes the preservation of our educational initiatives and of the historic buildings that anchor our community. A teacher and photographer, she serves on the McIntire Park design committee, the 2002 Virginia Commission for the Arts Grants Panel, and is a member of the Friends of Jefferson School. She is also Co-Chair of Recreation Precinct.

In Virginia cities and towns, only 21% of councilors and 12% of mayors are women. This is because the unique, positive qualities that women bring to the political arena have yet to be fully recognized and valued by Virginia voters.

Our progressive Charlottesville Democrats can break this cycle. We have over 20,000 women in this community - that's 50% of its population - who are being represented by only one woman on city council!

We can do better! Two women are vying for two seats on City Council. Come to the Democratic convention on February 23 at 10:00 at Charlottesville High School, and listen as these strong women tell us what they will bring to City Council if elected. Then, please consider voting for one or both of these women for the council nomination. We owe it to our daughters and our sons to improve the quality of political representation in Charlottesville by equitably representing women on City Council. Thank you.

This letter signed by:

Linda Bowen * Terri DiCintio * Mary Alice Gunter * Valarie Massie * Lisa Murphy * Debbie Pomerantz * Meredith Richards * Jenny Robinson * Carolyn Silver * Kay Slaughter * Sandy Snook * Bitsy Waters
Authorized by Alexandria Searls and Joan Fenton

Comments? Questions? Write me at