Archives - Alexandria Searls Comments About Oliver Kuttner's Ad
February 2002
Letters to the Editor: Alexandria Searls Comments About Oliver Kuttner's Ad
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I didn't know about the ad until I saw it in the paper. I haven't had time to consider his complaints. I'd like to hear more than one side about issues and would consult with City Hall as well as other Downtown developers before coming to a position.

The Woolworth building is beautifully designed and a wonderful addition to the Downtown Mall. The Cavalier building is an excellent example of retail development through preservation. Both buildings involved Mr. Kuttner's participation. Since historic preservation is one of my main concerns, any development that helps save existing buildings would be of interest to me. However, my approach to City Hall is a positive one. The people I have met with there involved in budget and finance have been consummate professionals.

I am aware that there are people in the business community who aren't entirely satisfied. I believe with careful planning and dialogue we can make improvements.

Alexandria Searls (electronic mail, February 22, 2002)

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