Archives - Delegate Rob Bell Enters Apple Pie Sweepstakes for Endorsement of Candidates for Charlottesville City Council
February 2002
Letters to the Editor: Delegate Rob Bell Enters Apple Pie Sweepstakes for Endorsement of Candidates for Charlottesville City Council
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Since getting down to Richmond, I've grown used to hearing that there is "no free lunch." I'm delighted to see that -- as in so many things -- Charlottesville is a different place than Richmond. I hereby enter the pie sweepstakes.

As a longterm observer of City politics, I know my endorsement would serve as a "Scarlet R" for anyone unfortunate to receive it. I also read that my predecessor Peter Way has bought a "shanty-trailer" in Chincoteague and that he plans to read historical novels and fish in his free time. In an effort to keep Peter in town, I therefore heartily endorse him for a position on Charlottesville City Council.

Best regards. I look forward to seeing you around town when I get back (which can't come too soon).

Rob Bell (electronic mail, February 22, 2002)

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