Archives - Ruth Wadlington and Kay Peaslee Comment About the Democratic Nominating Convention for Charlottesville City Council
February 2002
Letters to the Editor: Ruth Wadlington and Kay Peaslee Comment About the Democratic Nominating Convention for Charlottesville City Council
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I think the [nominating] process needs some more fine tuning.

While the turnout looked impressive, it's a little scary that a few hundred citizens essentially pick the new councilors. And due to the lengthy counting procedure, far fewer actually stayed for the final decision than attended at the beginning.

Although it was stated that there were to be no proxy votes, there was no policing of it, and I would be very surprised if some of that did not take place by people who had to leave before the end. Perhaps people should have to turn in their remaining ballots when leaving, with the provision that they could get them back when they returned. (I left and went home for lunch after the third vote, and arrived back in plenty of time for the final round of voting.) Or perhaps proxy voting should be allowed. I haven't heard the arguments pro and con to have an opinion.

I do know that due to the length of the meeting, some who would have liked to be there could not come, or else could not stay, but I suppose that will always be the case.

Ruth Wadlington (electronic mail, February 25, 2002)



It was a great convention. Quite a contrast with two years ago.

Some people have commented about the length of time and I heard that 100 people departed before the end.

Suggestion: Could the city's voting machines be used to count the ballots and speed up the process?


Kay Peaslee (electronic mail, February 25, 2002)

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