Archives - Josh Chernila Comments on the Democratic Nominating Convention for the Charlottesville City Council
February 2002
Letters to the Editor: Josh Chernila Comments on the Democratic Nominating Convention for the Charlottesville City Council
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Dear George:

It was my great pleasure to serve as Waldo Jaquith's campaign manager during the past six weeks. Waldo is a wonderful asset to this community and his supporters will continue to have an effect on the political landscape in the years to come. I plan to spend the next few months working on Alexandria Searls' campaign and continuing to mobilize City Democrats; especially those who have not previously been involved in City politics. I'm also looking forward to keeping Democrats active in the City and especially in Clark precinct.

I'm something of a newbie to official party politics in the City. I've been active as a leader in the technology community and have served to support workforce development in the area. I think Waldo asked me to manage his campaign simply because my lack of experience with the party gives me something of an unbiased perspective on the process.

I don't have any problems with the way that the nominating convention was run. As a vote counter, I thought that everyone did a great job counting, and getting results out. I'm thoroughly supportive of the results of the nominations. Blake and Alexandria are fantastic candidates. Blake will continue to serve the City well, and Alex will bring her fantastic vision and caring to council. As a party, the Democrats have done well.

I would like, however to apologize to those in the City who were not able to take part in the Nomination:

My sincere apologies to Charlottesville's Jewish community. Saturday seems an inopportune time for Jewish participation in the democratic process. It would have been nice to have you attend this convention.

My sincere apologies to anyone without a car. Without bus access, getting out to CHS is a big problem. It would have been nice for people to be able to walk over and participate.

My sincere appreciation to Democrats for Change for making it possible for mothers of young children to have childcare for the duration of the convention which ended up taking a number of hours. And sincere applause for Joan Fenton for financing that childcare.

If no one has officially suggested a Sunday afternoon timeslot and a venue with bus access for the 2004 nominating convention, I'd like to make the suggestion. I'd rather spend more time including Democrats and less time apologizing to those who aren't able to participate.

Congratulations and thanks to all of the candidates and especially all those who overcame all obstacles to attend the Democratic Nominating Convention this Saturday.

Sincere congratulations and thanks to all of the Candidates and to Blake and Alexandria. The last 6 weeks have been among the most envigorating and enlightening of my life. I look forward to working with everyone in the City in the months and years ahead.

Josh Chernila (electronic mail, February 26, 2002)

Comments? Questions? Write me at