Archives - Catherine Pemberton Comments on Family Nutrition and John Kerry's Hair
December 2002
Letters to the Editor: Catherine Pemberton Comments on Family Nutrition and John Kerry's Hair
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Dear George:

I was amused by the article about John Kerry's hair, particularly the quote from Matt Drudge. He said that $150 would feel a family of 3 for 2 weeks. Perhaps it would, but not well or nutritionally.

According to the Center for Nutrition and Policy and Promotion, which develops the Thrifty Food Plan used by USDA to determine Food Stamp allotments, it takes $366 to feed a family of 3 for a month. Half of that is $183. Perhaps Mr. Drudge meant that the cost of Senator Kerry's hairdo, plus tip, would feed 3 people for 2 weeks? Don't know, but interesting reading anyway.

Hope all is well in your corner of the world.

Cathy Pemberton (electronic mail, December 6, 2002)

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