Archives - Harry Tenney Comments About the Political Label of Liberalism
December 2002
Letters to the Editor: Harry Tenney Comments About the Political Label of Liberalism
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I have no firm idea when it became "declass" to be known as, or called, a liberal.

Throughout history, American presidents, political leaders, ordinary citizens have been known and often condemned for their liberalism.It was not limited to any particular party, religion or philosophy. For want of a group to single out, I will choose U.S. presidents.

As history teaches, T. Jefferson was referred to disparagingly, as an "irreligious libertine", a 'freethinker' one who led a 'dissolute life', unrestrained by 'convention and morality' and horror of horrors...a LIBERAL!

Andrew Jackson was given so many negative monikers, it would be difficult to even begin to list them, but, he too, drew the curse...a LIBERAL.

So it was with A. Lincoln, U.S. Grant, Grover Cleveland, T. Roosevelt, Woodrow Wilson, F.D.R., Harry Truman, J.F.K. and, according to the complaints of Senator Joe McCarthy, Dwight David Eisenhower. I'm certain many others. Surely,William Jefferson Clinton!

Strangely, many who drew this favorite epithet of their opponents, often the more conservative members of society or the opposing political party, were and are revered, often venerated as the greatest leaders of our nation. It is as if to be called a liberal represents a badge of honor, to judge by our most celebrated, respected presidents.

I can't resist this final comment.

I seriously doubt our current occupant at the residence at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue need ever fear the burden of this label.

Harry Tenney (electronic mail, December 4, 2002)

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