Following my own advice of
May 15, 2002, in a letter written to you the following proposal was
submitted to Mr. Satyendra Singh Huja, Director of Strategic Planning, City
of Charlottesville, on Friday, August 2nd:
In response to the on-going controversy regarding graffiti in Charlottesville,
a collaborative group of artists, merchants and others has formed to address
the issue in a positive manner. We believe that a forum should be provided
for the community to come together and create a graffiti art wall for all
to see and enjoy.
The name of the project, Language of the Wall, is taken from an exhibition
of Parisian graffiti in 1958 at the Institute of Contemporary Arts, London,
photographed by Brassaï. "The sign on the wall can be a record
of triumph or of despair; like the furrows in a face it is evidence of emotion
that lies beneath." - Roland Penrose, Surrealist.
The Southeast vertical wall under the Belmont bridge would be a perfect
spot for such an endeavor. Our plan is to set aside a specific day for the
event, hopefully in the Fall, which we are calling a ³Family Reunion²
for the artists to actually paint the wall. The community will be invited,
food will be provided by Mel¹s Diner and music will be provided DJ
Myson, a young man with a gift for spinning. I will personally supervise
the artists as to appropriate content.
We have already secured financial commitments to be used for painting
supplies, food and music from local merchants and as soon as we obtain a
site we will go full throttle into advertising, further funding and a formal
call to artists. Thus far, everyone I have spoken to has been extremely
supportive regarding this idea.
Thank you for your kind consideration." |
If this project is realized I call on all who have concerns to participate,
especially artist Rafaelo
di Gesso (would you consider using spray paint Mr. di Gesso?).
Mr. Huja has committed to many art projects in the past, most recently
the wonderful ArtInPlace
sculptures seen about town under the sponsorship of City Council, and I
trust he will do his very best to assist us in our effort.
Virginia Valentine Coles
(electronic mail, August 5, 2002)
P.S. Found this year on a wall in a South Street Building.
Written beside this work were the words "On this wall I leave these
words, In the this I stayed, In life I strayed, I was going nowhere, In
this cave I dwelled, Last Will, Lost Still, I leave to find, A life more
kind, My mind here was stagnant, These walls entrapment, Don't let this
happen to you, Live life, Not strife."