Archives - Virginia Valentine Coles Responds to Blake Caravati
August 2002
Letters to the Editor: Virginia Valentine Coles Responds to Blake Caravati
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Good day George -

Mr. Caravati raises some interesting points. I agree that there is "nothing new under the sun." As I stated in our proposal, the title of the project is taken from an exhibit of Parisian Graffiti, Circa 1958. As well, in my letter to your site dated May 15, 2002 I cited projects in New York City and London. There is no "thunder" involved here...the idea is not mine but is a collaborative effort of artists and others. I simply wrote the proposal.

There is no contradiction between the Freedom of Expression Monument and the Language of the Wall project; they are both good ideas. The main difference, however, is that the only thing we are asking from the City of Charlottesville or any other institution is an existing wall. We are funding the project ourselves with the help of generous members of the community. This is not a two hundred thousand dollar idea but just a community of artists getting together on a nice Fall day for a "Family Reunion" of painting, breaking fast and music. I would be pleased and honoured to contribute to the Freedom of Expression monument in any manner of which I am capable.

Regarding my supervising relating to content, I was specifically asked by Mr. Huja to include that sentence in our proposal. I have no intention of limiting the free expression of the artists ... our goal is to create beautiful visual imagery. The reality is, though, that graffiti is perceived oft times as negative, especially in the City, and we have no problem ensuring a positive statement. That is the point of the entire project.

I agree with my fifth-great-grandfather-in-law, Mr. Jefferson, when he said that freedom of speech cannot be limited without being lost.

Good luck to all of us in our endeavors to provide these forums.

Virginia Valentine Coles (electronic mail, August 6, 2002)

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