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George, Having recently moved from Charlottesville to Rockbridge Co., I have a particular interest in the special election November 5 to replace thank goodness -- Vance Wilkins [in the 24th District of the Virginia House of Delegates]. The nominating convention held Saturday was one of the most exciting and encouraging political gatherings Ive attended in a long time. All Virginia Democrats should take interest in Mimi Elrods campaign to return this seat to the Democrats. This will be a bellwether race and though it will extremely tough for her keep it out of Republican hands we couldnt have a more admirable candidate. I had met Mimi Elrod and knew she was impressive before Saturdays convention, but my enthusiasm soared after seeing her nominated. She and her family walked the last segment of the march from Selma to Montgomery and shes been dedicated and involved in social justice, civil rights education and the Democratic party -- ever since. While she is highly qualified in her own right she has a Ph.D. and runs the highly successful Summer Scholars program at Washington & Lee Mimi and those who put her name in nomination all spoke of her 38 year marriage to John Elrod, the beloved President of Washington & Lee who died last summer after a courageous battle with cancer. John Casteen said then: "He was the most generous and thoughtful of all of our college presidents, devoted to W&L, its students and its faculty, and a genuine scholar who assumed positions of leadership because he saw them as necessary to sustaining the quality of our lives. The term 'gentleman and scholar' could have been coined to describe him." Mimi has chosen to dedicate her energy and time to serving the 24th district in Richmond. Interestingly, she had decided to challenge Vance Wilkins even before the scandal that led to his resignation. She impresses me as a person of passion, courage and grace and frankly reminds me a lot of Emily. Her challenger for this nomination Ronald Taylor of Amherst would have also been a great nominee. [Mimi Elrod received 55% of the vote.] Hes the owner of High Peak Sportswear which has a Charlottesville facility and a great Democrat. But your T-shirts & hats from them! Mimis Republican opponent will be Ben Cline who is obviously well funded and is Congressman Bob Goodlattes Chief of Staff. Enough said. I hope Charlottesville Albemarle Democrats will support the Elrod campaign which good wishes and contributions, which can be sent to: Elrod for Delegate, c/o Ted Delaney, Treasurer, P.O. Box 534, Lexington, VA 24450. Ill miss the Venable precinct & thanks to all my Democratic neighbors who welcomed me when I moved to Charlottesville in 1995. Im going to visit often. Thanks & all the best, Catharine Gilliam (electronic mail, August 12, 2002)