Archives - Sharon vs. Jane
November 2001
25th District Virginia Senate Race: Sharon vs. Jane
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"Sharon L. Jones, an Albemarle Republican seeking the vacant 25th Senate District seat in a Dec. 18 special election, told [an] upbeat breakfast crowd Saturday that she can win the seat once held by the late senator Emily Couric, D-Charlottesville.

Jane Maddux, her opponent for the GOP nomination next Saturday morning at Western Albemarle High School, did not attend the breakfast because her son suffered a gunshot wound in a hunting accident and had just undergone surgery, party leaders said.

"Maddux was the Republican nominee in the 1999 race for the seat, which was won by Democrat Emily Couric. Couric died in October from pancreatic cancer.

'In 1999, it was an honor to carry the banner for the Republican party in my campaign ...' Maddux wrote in a letter mailed to thousands of Republicans to announce her candidacy. 'Together we've made real progress in Virginia.'

"[Maddux] said she would stress support for lower taxes, better schools and traditional values of family, hard work and faith in her second bid for the Senate.

'With your vote in the Republican mass meeting on Nov. 17, we will again wage a strong campaign on behalf of our shared conservative principles and keep Virginia moving forward,' she said in the mailing to Republicans' " (Bob Gibson, The Daily Progress, November 9, 2001).

Maddux has already had several Republican leaders announce their endorsement of her candidacy.

Former Albemarle County Sheriff George Bailey said the district needs to elect a candidate 'who shares our beliefs.'

'As a former sheriff, I know how important it is that in these uncertain times, we have a state senator who will stand up for law enforcement, our state police and emergency personnel,' Bailey said. 'I believe Jane Maddux is that candidate. She will take our message to the voters of this district, and she will win this special election'" (Amanda K. Greene, The Observer, November 14, 2001).

Jane Maddux is a graduate of the 2000 Class of the Sorensen Institute for Political Leadership.

'I am a common-sense conservative both fiscally and socially,' said Jones, who owns three Charlottesville-area child-care centers and has served seven years as chairwoman of the state's Child Day Care Council [a gubernatorial appointment].

"Jones, a social conservative who ran a write-in campaign in 1995 against Del. Mitchell Van yahres, D-Charlottesville, cited her experience as chairwoman of the state's Child Day-Care Council the past seven years as an asset.

'I support the parents' rights to raise and educate their children,' said Jones, who owns three local day-care centers. 'If government's public schools fail to meet children's educational needs, then parents - who know their children best - should be offered alternatives to government public schools such as private, parochial, home schooling or charter schools'" (Bob Gibson, October 31, 2001).

Sharon Jones graduated from the 1996 Class of the Sorensen Institute for Political Leadership which, by the way, included Jean Jensen (Mark Warner's NoVa campaign coordinator), B.J. Webb (the mayor of Leesburg, a Republican who endorsed Warner on the
eve of the election), David Bearinger (Greene County Planing Commission) and Paul Wright (Paul Harris' first opponent).

Jones said she will need to raise 'anywhere from $125,000 to $400,000' to win the special election. "that's been pretty typical for this district,' she said, and she can raise the money.

'I'm a businesswoman,' she told the crowd at the Golden Corral restaurant. 'I am a child and family advocate.' She said she fully supports gun-owner rights and wants to provide quality education options and tax relief.

After her talk, Jones said two key issue differences between herself and Democratic Senate nominee Del. R. Creigh Deeds of Bath County are her desire to run on 'pro-life issues and pro-school choice issues'" (Bob Gibson, The Daily Progress, November 11, 2001).

Jones campaign is being chaired by former state senator Ed Robb [now Albemarle sheriff] and former state delegate Peter Way.

The Republican mass meeting at Western Albemarle High School will begin at 11 a.m. [please make sure to register by 10:30 a.m.] and it may last until 1 p.m.

Keith C. Drake [], the Republican 25th Senatorial Legislative District Chairman, will open up the meeting.

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