Archives - Local Democrats Welcome David Bowerman and Sally Thomas to Convention
November 2001
25th District Virginia Senate Race: Local Democrats Welcome David Bowerman and Sally Thomas to Convention
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During the course of his campaign for the House of Delegates, Albemarle Supervisor Charles S. Martin, D-Rivanna, picked up the endorsement of several prominant local Republicans and Independents, including Frederic W. Scott Jr., Forrest Marshall, David P. Bowerman, Ethan Miller and Stephen Runkle (Bob Gibson, The Daily Progress, October 31, 2001).

While Charles Martin lost the election, receiving 40% of the vote to Rob Bell's 60%, David Bowerman went on to win his election as a member of the Albemarle Board of Supervisors representing the Rio District, receiving 78% of the vote to his Independent opponent Thomas Jakubowski's 22%.

As everyone knows, David Bowerman was a Republican before becoming an Independent. And there are a number of folks who believe he might even make a good Democrat.

David Toscano and Nancy Tramontin with David Bowerman (in the dapper grey coat) at Bill Clinton's Visit to Monticello

So it created some interest when Bowerman attended the recent convention to pick the Democratic nominee for the 25th District Senate seat.

"Bowerman said he was very impressed with the 864 Democrats who attended [the] nominating convention.

David Bowerman at the Democratic Nominating Convention

'Today I'm a Democrat,' he said. 'I signed the pledge' to support the democratic nominee.

Half the county board attended the convention. Democrat Lindsay G. Dorrier Jr. and independent Sally H. Thomas [who had earlier endorsed Nancy O'Brien] also cast ballots at the meeting" (Bob Gibson, November 11, 2001).

The caucus declaration form said: "I do not now support, and I do not intend to support, any candidate who is or will be opposed by a Democrat in the special election on December 18, 2001, or in the next general election."

Signing the caucus declaration form should not be a problem for David or Sally, since the next general election is in May for the Charlottesville City Council -- an election in which neither will be voting.

For my part, David and Sally are welcome to come over and vote as Democrats any time they like.

Fred Scott [Front Left] with Jane Maddux and Edgar Martin

Fred Scott, on the other hand, attended the Republican mass meeting. But, of course, I would welcome him to come over and vote as a Democrat anytime he likes as well.

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