Agency Heads and Key Officials
Subject: Rescission of Administrative Regulation Prohibiting the
Possession of Dangerous Weapons in County Buildings
Date: November 19, 2001
From: Virgil R. Hazelett, P.E. County Manager
As you are aware, on October 23, 2001, I implemented an administrative
regulation that prohibited the possession of dangerous weapons in all
County buildings and facilities. This regulation was established because
I believed the activities on and after September 11 warranted greater security
within our County facilities. The Henrico County Board of Supervisors was
not involved in making this administrative decision. The Board of Supervisors
and I have received many e-mails, telephone calls and even letters expressing
concern over the administrative regulation. After discussing all of these
comments with the Board of Supervisors and after weighing the concerns against
my administrative regulation, I have concluded that it is in the best interest
of all that I rescind my regulation at this time. I will continue to monitor
the security needs of the County and my obligation to protect the welfare
of those persons who work in and visit County facilities.
Please keep in mind that although I have rescinded my October 23 administrative
regulation, the long-standing prohibition on County employees possessing
weapons at County worksites, contained in Section 14.3(F)(14) of the Henrico
County Personnel Rules and Regulations, remains in full force and effect."