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Hi George, I thought I would throw in my two cents worth regarding defining the word "progressive", along with the whole "Dems for Change Work On New Agenda" movement. During my younger days I was a devout Democrat and clocked many hours of volunteer time for the party. Then I grew older, and noticed the party was selling out on their core principles in exchange for votes. It wasn't long before I stopped working for the Democrats and ultimately completely stopped referring to myself as part of the party. At this point, I support the development of more than two major parties in order to offer voters more options. I've grown to intensely dislike the playing it safe, riding the political fence, whatever it takes to get elected, mentality. I find it dishonorable and non-courageous. I did recently vote for Mark Warner because my only other choice was Mark Early. Had there been another, more liberal candidate available, my vote would have gone to them. Mark Warner is lucky no such candidate threw their hat into the race. Personally, I cannot support a candidate that makes statements like, "I believe the NRA has developed a good educational program for the general public regarding gun safety. I'm proud of my stand on gun control." Yep, it might have gotten him elected; but, these sort of statements turn the stomach of a old liberal like me. Democrats cannot discount people like me, because we will vote for the alternative liberal candidate if they are in the race. For example, I voted for Ralph Nader during the last presidential race, because Al Gore's "riding the fence" tactics finally got to me that much. Actually, I believe Ralph Nader took the presidency away from Al Gore. I believe voters with the mindset I am describing here, in other words, voters like me, are true "progressives." My message to the Dems is, you shouldn't ignore us, so deal with us. Otherwise, the same scenario that occurred in our last national race will continue to happen on every level. I believe enough dialogue, strategizing and planning can bring about "change work." Please realize, this email is meant to give you information regarding what I hear in the camps I frequent, it is not meant to be critical and insulting. In peace and solidarity, Dena Bowers (electronic mail, November 29, 2001). PS: Meredith Richards would have my vote on any election day.