Archives - Will Harvey Comments on Jane Maddux's Attempt to Run as Emily Couric
November 2001
Letters to the Editor: Will Harvey Comments on Jane Maddux's Attempt to Run as Emily Couric
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The Jane Maddux for State Senate campaign must be hoping that April Fool’s Day comes early this year. That is the only logical explanation for their media campaign using well know Republicans to now say how much they admired Emily Couric in their attempt to paint their candidate as something she is not. Watching Albemarle Republican Spotswood Connelly face the camera and declare, "I thought Emily Couric was great. I know Jane will be, too." made me laugh.

Spotswood is the husband of Major Connelly, former aide to Ed Robb, who occupied the Senate seat prior to his defeat by Ms. Couric. Voters will see through this subterfuge and will be led by these expressions of admiration to vote for the candidate who stands for the same principles as Emily did, and that person is Creigh Deeds, not Jane Maddux.

I knew Emily Couric and she was a friend of mine. Ms. Maddux is no Emily Couric. The voters of the 25th Senatorial District cannot be so easily fooled.

Will Harvey, Albemarle Democratic Chair (electronic mail, November 29, 2001).

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