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George: Jenn and I attended the Tennessee Ball at the Ronald Reagan Building (near Federal Triangle). There were about 6 to 7 state Delegations represented at each ball. You may remember Jenn's uncle Tony from our wedding - who is one of the big-wigs in the Tenn. GOP. Tony is a retired Air Force Colonel who was a military attache to President George H.W. Bush in D.C. during the early '90's.
Since Tony was our key man in getting tickets to the ball, we went with him. After a long, cold, damp day of inaugural ceremony, parade and protester-watching we hit the metro to go 'home' to Gaithersburg and change into black tie to get back to DC. The Metro at Federal Triangle was more crowded than I had ever seen it in my life - and I have seen it really crowded. I took us about an hour to get from the outside archway to the top of the steps!
Anyway, we showered, changed and warmed up (had a cocktail) in time to get to The Ronald Reagan Building around 7:30 PM. We showed out tickets and were directed to the Secret Service area. SS agents with latex gloves opened every purse and dumped everything onto tables. They even checked tampons to make sure they were still sealed! They took a picture with my camera to make sure it was not another device and I have a picture of them looking pretty goofy. I had to go through the scanner 3 times until we narrowed down that my cigar nipper was setting it off. Once we go through the Secret Service area, we got to wait for another 15 mintues to check our coats and guns. After all of that waiting, we waited in line to buy tickets for drinks. Each ticket was $2.00, Sodas=$2, Beer/Wine/Champagne=$4, and liquor/cocktails=$6. I got 40 tickets. I know it sounds like I'm an alcoholic, but I knew that each drink was going to be a 4 oz. glass. Jenn and I each ordered a Gin & Tonic, and to my amazement, they were pouring Tanqueray and big glasses of it.
Once we had our drinks we mingled about, talking to Tennesseeans and
Californians about politics and idle chit-chat. We ran into a couple of
At 8:30, President Bush showed up and made some nice speech, danced for 29 seconds, thanked Tennessee for the 11 electoral votes and hit the road. He stayed for a total of about 10 minutes.
We had a great time all evening, and despite the initial waiting in line, everything was pretty fast. Jenn and I got in numerous dances (ballroom style - not that other cr*p that you usually get) and ended up giving people the rest of my tickets since I had so many left over... Will Lyster (electronic mail, January 27, 2001).
Editor's Note: You
might think they were still on their honeymoon.