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Dear George, I was pleased to see on the back of the 28-page August issue of Virginia Sportsman (a publication aimed at hunters and fishermen) a full-page ad by the official campaign group "Sportsmen for Mark Warner." It cites Warner's support for wildland and wetland conservation, clean water, and present gun laws that outlaw automatic weapons in hunting, against Early's inconsistencies on gun legislation and his consistency in opposition to anti-pollution legislation. The issue also includes a long interview with Warner, primarily about his views on conservation, in which he endorses the NRA's safety-training programs but no others. I assume the September issue will feature Early, and we can we can learn from it for the critical October campaigns in which I hope we can prove that, under the Democrats, hunting (which for many Virginia voters is a major issue) can be made safe for humans while the environment can be made safe for all life not consumed for human needs. Paul Saunier Jr. (electronic mail, August 14, 2001).