Archives - Where Were You?
September 2000
Labor Day 2000: Where Were You?
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George Bush, Ralph Nader, and the Gore-Lieberman team were flogging votes in Michigan. Chuck Robb and George Allen and Don McEachin were parading around in Buena Vista, Virginia. Warren Stewart attended a parade in Powhatan County, while John Boyd enjoyed walking door to door in Southside Virginia.

Alexis Zigler and other labor activists were promoting fair wages at the University of Virginia

 Alexis Ziegler promotes a living wage for all.

     An activist hands out flyers on the UVa Campus.

     A copy of the flyer that activists were distributing.

It must be Labor Day.

Where were you on September 4, 2000 and what were you doing?

Please send your responses to and the most representative will be posted with full attribution.

Responses have been received from Delegate Donald McEachin, Bet Ludden, Adam Green and Linda Martin.

Comments? Questions? Write me at