Archives - Rhoda Dreyfus on Hardworking Albemarle Democrats and the 1992 Presidential Race
September 2000
Letters to the Editor: Rhoda Dreyfus on Hardworking Albemarle Democrats and the 1992 Presidential Race
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Right on, Lloyd. You state the case for voting for Al Gore and Joe Lieberman better than I ever could. However, as a loyal & hard-working Albermarle County Democrat, I am hereby providing my services as a fact-checker. Eight years ago (yes, it was fun, we all remember that correctly) it was a county Democrat, Candy Goodyear, who thought of the idea of "Hillary's cookies", found the best source for them, and underwrote the whole effort until we realized we had a big commercial success on our hands. Likewise it was a county Democrat (as I remember, Pat Gaesser) who did the T-shirts that said "Our family values Clinton and Gore". And the black T-shirts with Bill Clinton playing the sax that read "The cure for the blues" came thanks to a Democrat from Arkansas, Bill Kinkaid, who was in law school at the time. So, even though we are accustomed to being underappreciated, ignored, & dismisssed, how about getting in the habit of giving credit where it's due beyond the narrow confines of the Charlottesville Democratic Party? And I might also mention that the 5th District includes a big slice of Albemarle County, if anyone is counting votes.

Rhoda Dreyfus (electronic mail, September 12, 2000).

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