Archives - Kay Slaughter's Support for Al Gore
September 2000
Letters to the Editor: Kay Slaughter's Support for Al Gore
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"Not only as a Democrat but as an environmental leader in the state, I enthusiastically endorse the Gore/Lieberman ticket. The environment could be a cutting edge issue in the Virginia election and bring more independent voters into the Democratic column.

Foremost, I support Al Gore as THE environmental candidate because he cares deeply about conservation issues and he has demonstrated experience in putting that care into public policy.

1. Both Al Gore and Joe Lieberman have a public record of support for legislation to improve our environment; they have been leaders at the federal level.

2. Al Gore's book, 'Earth in the Balance', demonstrates the depth of his knowledge and commitment to environmental issues and, in particular, an understanding of the underlying causes and cures for global warming, which is not only a national but an international issue.

3. Al Gore has been key in the Clinton Administration to obtaining White House support for critical environmental and conservation issues.

4. Al Gore is responsible for the appointment of Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Carol Browner and other EPA top officials who have demonstrated superior knowledge and leadership on federal environmental policy issues over the past 8 years.

5. Clinton/Gore environmental appointees at the national and regional level (and on the Supreme Court) have been responsive to citizen-initiated environmental issues. I remember previous administrations at the federal and state level where this was not true. (Need I remind people of James Watt, Ann Gorsuch or Becky Norton Dunlop or Antonin Scalia?)

For these reasons, Al Gore is the only candidate who has made the environment a top priority during his service as an effective elected official.

As a Virginian AND an environmentalist, I am excited about the Gore/Lieberman ticket."

Kay Slaughter (electronic mail, September 17, 2000)

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