Archives - Will Harvey on Ralph Nader, Vote Trading and Virginia as a Swing State
November 2000
Letters to the Editor: Will Harvey on Ralph Nader, Vote Trading and Virginia as a Swing State
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I hope people will follow Molly [Ivins] on this one. I am still afraid that Ralph will be the "Perot" this go round, and we will all be worse off. Of course, I am still hopeful that faced with that awesome result will bring clarity to many in the booth. Let's hope!

Will Harvey (electronic mail, November 6, 2000).

Editor's Note: Having called attention to the Molly Ivins rule, "i.e. Vote with your heart where you can, and vote with your head where you must. In states where either Gore or Bush has a commanding lead, vote Nader. In the states too close to call, vote Gore. In either case, the imperative is to end Republican control in Congress by electing Democrats, also vital to the prospects for progressive change" (The Nation Poll Watch, November 6, 2000) and noted that The Nation has declared Virginia a swing state, I suggested that readers vote for Gore [whom I, of course, believe people should vote for anyway].

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