Archives - Lloyd Snook Responds to Stratton Salidis
May 2000
Elections 2000: Lloyd Snook Responds to Stratton Salidis
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Dear Mr. Salidis:

You ask that we ask Meredith Richards about the Parkway; I'd like to ask you about whether we should have confidence in your commitments.

On the date of the Democratic Mass Meeting, you signed the certification that said that you did not intend to support any candidate opposed to a Democrat in this election. (I saved it.) After the mass meeting, it was entirely possible that 3 Democrats for Change could have been the nominees. However, the next day, you announced your independent candidacy, which necessarily means that you are opposing Democrats in this election. My information is that you had planned BEFORE the Mass Meeting to announce your candidacy.

A City Councilor will be called upon to cast many votes on many subjects other than a road. I want to know that the word that my Councilor gives me on Monday will be good on Tuesday.

Lloyd Snook (electronic mail, May 1, 2000).

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