Archives - Kevin Cox on Reducing the Gap between City and County Taxes
March 2000
Letters to the Editor: Kevin Cox on Reducing the Gap between City and County Taxes
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I believe that it is important to make an effort to reduce the gap between county taxes and city taxes. The county is about to help out by raising theirs. I don't think cutting pay raises or reducing the capital improvements budget is sound planning and the proposal smacks of election year pandering.

We also face a potential reimbursement fee to VDOT if the Meadowcreek Parkway is rejected. No one, including Rich Collins, really knows what will happen but we do know what has happened elsewhere. A reimbursement is a very real possibility and it may amount to millions of dollars.

I believe that there is waste and unnecessary spending that goes on and should be ferreted out and eliminated. I want City Councilors who will find that waste, eliminate funding of unnecessary programs and THEN reduce taxes. I do not support any tax reduction in this budget.

Kevin Cox, Charlottesville (electronic mail, March 31, 2000).

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