Archives - Karen Waters Supports Kevin Lynch's Plan to Eliminate City Trash Stickers
March 2000
Letters to the Editor: Karen Waters Supports Kevin Lynch's Plan to Eliminate City Trash Stickers
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Dear George,

I think Kevin is absolutely right on this. I seem to remember reading somewhere that the largest factor contributing to recycling is curbside service. It also brought to mind for me a JAUNT passenger I used to have who often made trips to the market just to buy stickers, ususally one or two at a time because this was all he could afford. Again, the time and money he spent getting the stickers was more than the stickers themselves cost, but the alternative--keeping trash around longer than necessary, which would attract all manner of pests to his already dark and scary yard was worse. Fortunately, he now resides in a senior home, but the point is that there is a definite economic downside to the trash sticker thing. On the other hand, you would have to think about whether folks from the county would bring their trash into down for the free drop off. Don't know how much a factor that would be. Just my take on it.

Karen Waters (electronic mail, March 31, 2000).

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