Archives - Lelia Edloe Brown Considers Run for City Council
January 2000
Elections 2000: Lelia Edloe Brown Considers Run for City Council
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 Lelia Edloe Brown at Democrats for Change Forum, January 5, 2000

Lelia Edloe Brown

Age: 64

Hometown: Charlottesville, Virginia

Residence: Charlottesville, Virginia

Occupation: Retired Guidance Counselor

3 years Washington, DC
3 years Alexandria, Virginia
36 years Charlottesville, Virginia
Jackson-Via Elementary School

Education: Bachelor's Degree in Education from West VA. State College
Master's Degree in Education from Hampton University

Community / Neighborhood Involvement:

Vice-president, WCEH (Working Citizens Enhancing Humanity)
Neighborhood Association

CDBG Task Force

Economic Development Loan Committee

Personal: Has three children:
Richard Johnson, 44 of Charlottesville
Rene` Menendez, 43 of Atlanta, GA
Edwin Brown, Jr., 28 of Atlanta, GA

One granddaughter:
Donia Richardson, 19

Comments? Questions? Write me at