a lovely an accurate letter from Paul Gaston in praise
of Meredith's many fine qualities and accomplishments. What a shame that
the letter has not yet been printed by the Daily Progress. Those of us
who Meredith well, know that she is a tireless servant and advocate for
Charlottesville and all its citizens. No councilor puts more time, thought
or energy into the job. Recent attempts by individuals, members of issues
groups, other candidates and their supporters to portray Meredith as some
kind of slick political operative could not be further from the truth.
Her intelligence, experience, ability to see many sides of an issue and
future outcomes of considered decisions, should be recognized as an asset
to our city. Meredith works hard in our community and often takes her fight
for our city to Richmond and even Washington when necessary. We could not
ask for a more committed or loyal advocate and leader. I hope she is afforded
the same loyalty on Monday and in May.
Terri Di Cintio (electronic mail, February 18, 2000).