The outcome of Monday evening's mass meeting has put many of us city
Democrats in a bit of a tough spot. Making decisions about whom to support
on Saturday was tough, although easier once I fully understood the ramifications.
While I admire David Simmons, I find I cannot give him my vote at the risk
of losing Meredith Richards from our City Council.
Without Meredith, we would be represented by an entirely male city council,
which I agree would be a sad situation. But Meredith Richards stands out
on her own, beyond race and gender, for the professionalism she has brought
to her position on city council. Meredith has not built a personality cult,
nor has she brought a personal agenda to the public arena. She has listened
and learned, and worked very hard, and her opinions are thoughtful and well-reasoned.
I do not trust anyone with a "just say no" mantra, be they Republican
or Democrat. I know that in this world we must often act, never able to
feel safe that our actions will hurt no one and stand the test of time.
A good mind as well as a good heart are both necessary in making decisions
that affect our entire community, now and in the future, and I feel that
Meredith has both.
I wish both David Simmons and Peter McIntosh well, and will happily support
them in the future under better circumstances. For now, it is most important
to me to help keep Meredith on city council.
Susan McGinnis (electronic mail, February 24, 2000).