Archives - Joe Mooney's Letter to Alvin Edwards
February 2000
Letters to the Editor: Joe Mooney's Letter to Alvin Edwards
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To: Rev. Alvin Edwards, Chair
Charlottesville Democratic Party

Dear Reverend Edwards:

We are all indebted to you for the fair and firm direction you gave to the caucus last night. Good work!

Two of the three candidates for whom I voted were among the three top vote-getters, and I found myself, last night, constructing various schemes by which my three favored candidates could win on Saturday. This was initially exciting, but then a bad taste developed with recognition of the angry feelings inevitably generated by such maneuvering.

Would the common good be enhanced by the voluntary withdrawal of all candidates other than Maurice Cox, Kevin Lynch, and Meredith Richards? In spite of my own preferences, I believe these three are more representative of the will of the caucus than any other combina-
tion, as reflected by the voting totals. Should this, or would this, fly?

I am going to circulate this note for whatever consideration the idea merits.

Thanks again,
Joe Mooney

(electronic mail, February 22, 2000)

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