Archives - Letter from Lloyd Snook and Russell Perry to the Nominating Committee
December 2000
Charlottesville Democratic Party: Letter from Lloyd Snook and Russell Perry to the Nominating Committee
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Charlottesville Democrats,

We are both honored at the confidence that has been placed in us by the members of the Democratic Party, and we are each pleased to have been proposed as candidates for Chair of the City Democratic Committee. After taking the pulse of the party through many meetings and conversations over the past few weeks, it is clear to us both that the Party would be best served through our collaboration rather than our competition.

Having known each other since childhood, we see this as a delightful prospect. Should it be the will of the party, as represented by the City Democratic Committee, we would be eager to serve as Co-Chairs of the Charlottesville Democratic Party.

As we looked at the Bylaws in the last few weeks, we realized they contain some shortcomings and ambiguities. We intend to appoint a Bylaws Revision Committee to propose necessary changes. One of the changes that we intend to ask that committee to consider, and to recommend, would give the City Democratic Committee the option of electing Co-Chairs of the Party. This is not currently permitted. We would expect to bring these proposed changes to the committee in the next few months. In the interim, while we plan to function as Co-Chairs, we ask that the Nominating Committee nominate Lloyd as Chair and Russell as Vice Chair. Should the proposed changes be acceptable to the City Committee, we intend to ask that we both be reaffirmed as Co-Chairs when the by-laws have been modified.

In the past few weeks, both of us have sought and received advice from many, many people about where the Party should be going and what actions it should take to further its progress. When the two of us talked a few days ago, we realized that our ideas for the Party are very similar. We also realized that we each bring strengths that can benefit the Party, and it is in that spirit that we intend to work together.

Over the last year, there has been sharp disagreement within the Party -- sometimes over issues, sometimes over personalities. But there are many people of good will within the party who are committed to finding ways to work together for common goals. We recognize, as most Democrats do, that there is much more that unites us than divides us. We intend to build on that which unites us.

Many of us have identified the need for defining and refining our message as a party -- those ideas, positions and principles that distinguish us and, in fact, characterize the larger part of the city’s electorate. We remember when the party’s organization was the envy of all, and we firmly believe that, through hard work, we can rebuild it. We need to reconsider our methods and techniques for outreach and communications to respond to changes in the population and in communications technology. We believe that we can rebuild a party of activists who are Democrats 52 weeks of the year, because we are the party of caring, of helping, of fairness and of hope.

In fulfilling your mission to nominate officers for decision by the City Democratic Committee, we understand that you intend to nominate Shirley Cauley as Vice Chair for Records, Erin Garvey as Vice Chair for Publicity, Richard Merriwether as Secretary and Gene Harding as Treasurer. We would be honored to serve with this distinguished and dedicated team.

To complete the slate of six officers to lead the City Democratic Party, we respectfully request that you nominate Lloyd Snook as Chair and Russell Perry as Vice Chair, to function as Co-Chairs until such time as the by-laws can be revised to formalize that relationship.


Lloyd Snook and Russell Perry (electronic mail, December 5, 2000).

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