Archives - Phyllis Koch-Sheras Comments on Absentee Balloting and on Barbara Rich's Letter to the Daily Progress
December 2000
Letters to the Editor: Phyllis Koch-Sheras Comments on Absentee Balloting and on Barbara Rich's Letter to the Daily Progress
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Dear George,

"More comments about the Democratic breakfast. On election night I stopped by at K-mart photo processing and got into a conversation with the clerk there about voting. She said that she couldn't vote because she had to work. She was disappointed but didn't see any options. She said it was the same for everybody working there, as far as she knew. Perhaps we could have some kind of community outreach for the next election going out into the larger businesses educating them about absentee ballots etc. Let me know if I can help in some way.

Phyllis Koch-Sheras (electronic mail, December 19, 2000).

P.S.-- I am not reading the Daily Progress for a while (except for the sports) since they published that abomination of a letter by Barbara Rich, dissing Al Gore for being 'fit for nothing...' and needing 'to get a life.'" That kind of trashing of leaders and negativity is degrading to our community, I think."

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