Archives - December 14, 2000 Charlottesville Democratic Committee Minutes
December 2000
Charlottesville Democratic Committee: December 14, 2000 Charlottesville Democratic Committee Minutes
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1. Call to Order. Chairperson Alvin Edwards called the meeting to order at 7:15 and recognized Kay Slaughter.

2. Payment of Dues. Ms. Slaughter reminded all the members that the Bylaws require the annual payment of dues by each Committee Member in the amount of $15.00. Members were asked to pay Gene Harding dues for 2001 (and 2000 if that had not yet been paid.)

3. Membership Eligibility. Ms. Slaughter reminded the members that, while the party itself is inclusive, membership in the Charlottesville Democratic Committee is for the leaders of the party who do "… not intend to support any candidate opposed to a Democratic nominee …". She asked that members look to their own conscience as to whether they were qualified for membership.

4. Chairperson Alvin Edwards recognized Baughan Roemer, Chair of the Nominating Committee.

5. Appreciations for Rev. Edwards. Mr. Roemer expressed the appreciation of the City Democratic Committee to Rev. Edwards for his leadership on City Council, as the Mayor of the City of Charlottesville, and as the Chair of the Charlottesville Democratic Party.

6. Nomination of Officers. The Nominating Committee of Baughan Roemer, Virginia Daugherty, Terry Dicintio, and David Simmons offered the following slate to the Committee:

Chair: Lloyd Snook
Vice Chair: Russell Perry
Vice Chair for Records: Shirley Cauley
Vice Chair for Publicity: Erin Garvey
Secretary: Richard Merriwether
Treasurer (for life): Gene Harding

The question was raised from the floor as to whether Messieurs Snook and Perry were running as Co-chairs. Rev. Edwards addressed the question to Russell Perry, who related regrets from Lloyd Snook, who was in court and unable to attend. Mr. Perry stated that, should it be the pleasure of the Committee to elect Mr. Snook and him, they were interested in functioning as Co-chairs. As the Bylaws did not currently permit the election of Co-chairs, they intended to form a Bylaws Revision Committee to investigate the potential for Co-chairs. Should this Committee propose rules to allow Co-chairs and should this be the pleasure of the members, Mr. Perry related that he and Mr. Snook would ask for reaffirmation in that capacity.

7. Election of Officers. The Nominating Committee's proposed slate was moved, seconded and elected unanimously.

8. Rev. Edwards turned the meeting over to the new Vice Chair, Mr. Perry.

9. Committees. Mr. Perry, representing himself and Mr. Snook announced that they were forming four committees to advance their agenda, as follows:

Bylaws Revision Committee - Chair, John Conover
Definition of Party Message - Chair, Mitch VanYahres [In a subsequent communication, Del. VanYahres stated that he was happy to serve on the Committee but unable to be the Chair]
Voter Registration Committee - Chair, Richard Merriwether
Records Committee - Chair, Shirley Cauley

10. Vacancies in the Committee Membership. As the Bylaws provide for the filling of occasional openings in the membership of the Committee when the Committee is assembled, Mr. Perry asked the precincts to assemble, identify openings, and identify new members for nomination and election by the Committee as a whole. The following nominations were made:

Carver: Peggy Gallaway and Kay Peaslee to replace ?? and ??
Clark: Jane Barnes to replace ??. Jane Barnes was also elected Precinct Chair by the precinct members present.
JPA: Liz Kutchai to replace Shirley Cauley (now ex-officio)
Recreation: Tim Supler and Alex Searles to replace Dave Norris and Kevin Lynch (now ex-officio)
Tonsler: No openings
Venable: Sandy Snook and Betty Woodard to replace ?? and ??
Walker: Melanie Farland to replace Paul Saunier

[Precinct Chairs, please notify Shirley Cauley of the Committee members who have been replaced and verify the above.]

11. Election of new committee Members. The names put forward by the precincts were placed in nomination, seconded and elected with one dissention.

12. Fundraiser. Mr. Perry recognized Debbie Pomerantz, who related that there was a fundraiser planned for February 17 at the Greek Orthodox Church. In the discussion that ensued it was proposed that the fundraiser include a dinner and an auction. It was determined that each precinct would identify a member to assist Ms. Pomerantz in the planning of the fundraiser. [After the meeting was adjourned, the following names were brought forward. Carver - David Brown, Clarke - Jane Barnes, JPA - Shirley Cauley.]

13. General announcements. It was suggested and acknowledged that the Committee List needed to be cleaned up and verified.

14. Adjournment. Mr. Perry thanked Rev. Edwards for his contributions to the City of Charlottesville Democratic Party and adjourned the meeting.

[Next meeting not yet scheduled]


Members and Alternates Present

1. Jay Brown
2. Audrey Dannenburg
3. Wayne Harbaugh
4. David Waters
5. Jane Foster
6. Shirley Cauley
7. Bitsy Waters
8. Liz Kutchai

1. Ora Maupin
2. Virginia Daugherty
3. Pat Edwards
4. David Brown
5. Robert Tinsley
6. Charles Perry
7. Kay Peaslee
8. John Conover

1. Jane Barnes
2. Ed Wayland
3. Dan Rosenzweig

1. Clive Bradbeer
2. Wilma Bradbeer
3. Francis Fife
4. Nancy O'Brien
5. Joe Mooney
6. David Lee
7. Liz Courain
8. Nila Saliba
9. Nancy Damon
10. Terri DiCintio
11. Chip King
12. Bea Mook
13. Meredith Richards
14. Larry Richards

Not Reported

1. Mary MacNiel
2. Alexis Zeigler
3. Wyatt Johnson
4. Patrice Harris
5. Kathy Johnson Harris
6. Jessie Williams

1. E.J Gunter
2. Mary Alice Gunter
3. Mary Ann Elwood
4. Sandy Snook
5. Rheva Williams
6. Baughan Roemer

1. Lane Kneedler
2. Charles Lancaster
3. Dave Nelson
4. Russell Perry
5. Lee Richards
6. Debbie Pomerantz
7. Paul Garrett

[Apologies in advance for spelling errors.]

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